Resource Library

This resource library includes curriculum and other resources for the Arguing with Data Textbook. The Quick Links section includes basics and key pieces for lesson planning and software training.

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Arguing with Data Textbook

An introduction to statistics for activists, journalists & policymakers

Assessment Bank

This bank includes quarter tests and semester exams.

Unit Study Guides

This bank includes study guides for each quarter test and semester exam.

Course Planning Guide

This is a planning and pacing guide for the entire course.

Learning to use CODAP

This activity introduces students to making data displays in CODAP.

Learning to use Excel

This activity introduces students to several features in Excel.

Learning to use GeoGebra

This activity introduces students to making data displays in GeoGebra.

Learning to use Jamovi

This activity introduces students to data displays and single and multiple regressions in Jamovi.

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Grade Level
Data visualization course
In this college/graduate-level course, Dr. Jonathan Stray shares materials for students to learn how to clean up data and use software to create data visualizations.
Learning to Use Jamovi
This activity introduces students to data displays and single and multiple regressions in Jamovi.
Learning to Use GeoGebra
This activity introduces students to making data displays in GeoGebra.
Learning to Use Excel
This activity introduces students to several features in Excel.
Learning to Use CODAP
This activity introduces students to making data displays in CODAP.
Learning to Use CODAP 2
This activity introduces students to the sampling feature in CODAP.
Unit Test and Exam Bank
This bank includes quarter tests and semester exams.
Unit Test and Exam Study Guides
This bank includes study guides for each quarter test and semester exam.
Course Planning Guide
This is a planning and pacing guide for the entire course.
Height Guessing Game Activity
In this activity, students will use CODAP with a partner to guess the height of people entering a room. They will notice that the guesses improve when they are given more information. With CODAP files, download them locally, then open up CODAP. Select "open local file" as your option. This activity should take 30 minutes.
Chapter 10 Quiz (Version B)
In this quiz, students will calculate a risk ratio, an odds ratio, a quadrant count ratio, and an r-squared value from standard deviations. The quiz should take students about 30–60 minutes. Calculator optional.
Chapter 10 Practice Quiz
In this practice quiz, students will calculate a risk ratio, an odds ratio, a quadrant count ratio, and an r-squared value from standard deviations. The quiz should take students about 30–60 minutes. Calculator optional.
Odds ratios, Disaggregated Data, and Regressions Worksheet
In these two worksheet, students will practice with risk and odds ratios, disaggregating data, and calculating r^2. Each worksheet should take students 50–60 minutes.
Chapter 11 Quiz (Version A)
In this quiz, students will be assessed on their knowledge of residual plots and issues with multiple regressions. This will take 40 minutes.
Chapter 11 Quiz (Version B)
In this quiz, students will be assessed on their knowledge of residual plots and issues with multiple regressions. This will take 40 minutes.
Multiple Correlation Activity
In this activity, students will look at a 3-dimensional correlation to see how the different correlations are connected in a GeoGebra file. This should take 30 minutes.
Down the River
This activity has students surveying by hand using different methods (e.g., systematic, stratified). Highly recommended. This should take about 50–60 minutes to complete and discuss.
Berkson's Fallacy Activity
In this activity, students will see Berkson's fallacy in action through a simulated immigration system. This should take 20 minutes to complete.
Regression to the Mean Activity
In this activity, students will see regression to the mean in action in a fictional hockey league. This should take 20 minutes to complete.