Chapter 2 Quiz (Version A)

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In this quiz, students will be tested on types of variables (categorical, ordinal), including hybrid data and indices. This should take 20–30 minutes to complete., In this quiz, students will be tested on types of variables (categorical, ordinal), including hybrid data and indices. This quiz also covers percentages, percent changes, and percentiles. This should take 20–30 minutes to complete.

Experiement Analysis

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In this project, students will find a real, published experiment and analyze how well the experimenters designed their methods, and how clearly the results were communicated. Give students a few days to find their experiment (they may need a check-in to make sure they’ve got something suitable), and a few days to write their report.

Regressions and R-squared

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In this worksheet, students will plot a scatterplot, describe it, fit a line, calculate residuals, and find r-squared using standard deviations. This should take 30–60 minutes. Calculator optional.

Rolling Dice

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In this demonstration, students can play around with rolling dice to see a sampling distribution at various sample size n. With CODAP files, download them to your computer, then open the local file in CODAP. This should take 15–30 minutes depending on how proficient your students are with CODAP.

Chapter 10 Quiz (Version A)

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In this quiz, students will calculate a risk ratio, an odds ratio, a quadrant count ratio, and an r-squared value from standard deviations. The quiz should take students about 30–60 minutes. Calculator optional.

R-squared explained

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In this demonstration, students can play around with a regression line to see its residuals change. GeoGebra will automatically show the calculation of r-squared. This should take 10–15 minutes.